VisiData XDG

Created 2025-01-31 / Edited 2025-01-31

Figured out how to make opening a CSV in firefox pop open a terminal running VisiData (vd)


I like VisiData! If you are working with tabular data, like a CSV file, it is a lovely slicer and dicer. It's a pretty terminal-keyboard-heavy program, like a vim family thing. Like many of these power tools, I find that you can get into it best by finding ONE use-case and then gradually introducing new tricks from there. So the simple use-case for VisiData is simply viewing CSV files.

VisiData a simple CSV

After that you can learn some new commands, such as selecting rows with |gilbert (regex select rows containing "gilbert") and then zooming in on them with " (view only selected rows). You can press <enter> on a row to see it vertically.

After a while you get addicted to this sort of manipulation and you find yourself downloading CSVs from Firefox and then opening a terminal, navigating over to your downloads folder, and opening it with vd data.csv or whatnot. So I wanted to cut out the middle bits.

XDG, Terminal Wrapping

First make a .desktop file for visidata at ~/.local/share/applications/VisiData.desktop containing:

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=vd %U

which I got from this fun page with some slight modification.

This worked! But it opens in gnome-terminal instead of alacritty. After some digging I found from this merge request that you can put a wrapper named xdg-terminal-exec in your path and it'll use that as the priority terminal app. So I created ~/bin/xdg-terminal-exec containing:


exec ~/bin/terminal -e "$@"

And that in turn calls my per-machine terminal script, which contains roughly:


if [ "$HOSTNAME" == "" ]; then
  exec aterm -rv -tr -sl 10000 -sh 50 -ls +sb -vb -fn 6x12 -e "$@"
elif [ "$HOSTNAME" == "" ]; then
  exec aterm -tr -sl 10000 -sh 50 -ls +sb -vb -fn '-b&h-lucidatypewriter-bold-r-normal-*-13-*-*-*-m-*-iso10646-1' -e "$@"

# ... and so on for various machines I've had that I wanted different settings on

  exec ~/.cargo/bin/alacritty "$@"

... and now when I click on the CSV from my downloads dropdown in firefox POP goes a terminal running VisiData!