More Photo Goodness

Created 2008-06-30 / Edited 2008-06-30

Tags: garden, camera, photos, cats

I got another new camera! The last two didn't work out for very long, but this one has promise. I won it at our recent Corporate Bowling event... it was clearly my best score ever at 167. I got second place and thus the camera. Woot!

This first image is one of Sophia's flowers. Sophia is the rose bush that Beth got from my family in condolence of her appendectomy. After almost killing her (Sophia, that is), I've nursed her back to health and we've been rewarded with new blooms.

Other than random events and trips, one thing I'd like more photos of is my balcony garden. Time lapse or something fun. I sit there and stare at the thing enough... I may as well share the green joy with the world!

Lets see... what what other sorts of boring photos do people put on their blogs... CATS! I must have some of those somewhere around here...